
    开放, 诚信和问责——这些原则, along with our drive for a consistently strong financial performance – determine how we run the company.

    Our governance teams are responsible for implementing our Corporate Responsibility and 可持续性 (CR&S) 策略, and we set out our principles in our Code of Corporate 治理 and 行为准则.

    推荐几个足彩外围app有两层治理. CR&推荐几个足彩外围app的执行委员会根据这些标准监督推荐几个足彩外围app的进展. 董事会CR&S委员会监督执行委员会.

    CR&S执行委员会主席是曼利(Gerard Manley), 谁在可可行业有超过30年的经验. CR的活动&S Committee and the function itself are managed by Dr Christopher Stewart, Global Head of CR&S. 杰拉德·曼利和克里斯托弗·斯图尔特都直接向CR报告&董事会委员会.

    如果任何员工发现任何不道德的行为, 行为准则解释说,他们必须报告,而不必担心报复. 


    We recognise the importance of collaboration to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and make true impact across our sector. 如果您热衷于合作或有想法要讨论,请推荐几个足彩外围app的团队.
